Concept-s is this year celebrating 10 years anniversary since the establishment of the Croatian company, what was expected as a continuation of their previous business but also the return of the owner to his Croatian roots…
Owner of the company, Lukas Schroll, was born in Croatia and as a boy his path took him to Germany, along with his parents and brothers and sisters. There, Lucas was educated, graduated in Interior Architecture and design, and almost 20 years ago founded his own company – concept-s. Company’s name is marked by the entrepreneurial signature: concept, which comes from Latin “concipere”, meaning – understand, grasp.
He began his solo career in 1991 in 300 square meters. Today, only exhibition space is measured over 500 square meters. In 2001, they moved from Schorndorf center to the countryside, and built a representative headquarters, which was in 2009 extended with an additional building so today a business hall extends to more than 3000 square meters.

Joining the branch of optics has started with a special order of one client who wanted glasses – holder. Glasses needed to be exposed to the open, not in a sealed glass case as previously was common. The company has sold millions of copies of that specific holder, and is still in production program today.
Inexhaustible demand for this successful model bore ideas for glasses presentation systems in shaped floating modules that in the meantime begun to sell directly to optician or professionals in equipping the shop.
In 90s of the last century Schroll dealt with the idea of establishing a firm in Croatia, and during the war he actively participated in organization and delivery of humanitarian assistance in our region.
In Croatia, concept-s d.o.o. was founded in 2000. Initially, the company had one employee, but very fast market research showed needs
to recruit new people, to expand the scope of operations and to start own production. Today, the company has 19 full time employees staff, office space to over 1000 square meters of which exhibit space and offices hold about 200 square meters, while the production is placed on over 800 square meters.

The company concept-s is providing the market with innovative products that are used in furnishing stores in the field of optics, jewelry and watches. Development of products, quality management, planning of store’s design, sales and shipments to the European and global market are all performed from Schorndorf, and partly from Croatia, from where direct sales and shipments in all countries of former Yugoslavia are managed, while the entire production and engineering is located in Croatia. We are very proud of our professional team, production capacity and short delivery times, which results inregular weekly deliveries of ordered goods, which are then distributed across Europe and the world.
concept-s: furnishing stores and systems presentations for retail and wholesale!
Over 70% of all products created by our designers, find their customers abroad. With 20 years experience in the field of furnishing
shops, development of an innovative system designed presentations, and treatment of quality materials for making glasses, the company has established itself very well in the market and in its segment is among the leading in the world.
Network sales partners in Europe and oversea countries as well as constant presence in professional international trade fairs, are a guarantee of a continuously growing number of customers worldwide. “That,” says Lukas Schroll, “encouraged my co-workers and motivate them to even greater success.”
In addition to German, English, French and Italian, we communicate with our customers in Dutch, Turkish, Croatian and Chinese language.
Besides industry of optics, the company also offers systems for presentation to shops with watches, jewelry and other products. And here is also in the first place optimal stimulating purchases and safe presentation. It’s not just about the inner architecture, but in the account is always taken the psychology of selling and also the functional aspects.
With mass production and sales around the world, those around Lukas Schroll plan and implement also complete facilities, from design to completion. Architects of interior architecture from the firm concept-s are there for you throughout the planning and executions phases, and are always available with their advices. In order to fully satisfy high quality, they are also offering quality furniture for sitting and professional lighting concepts, all of which are adapted to the arrangement of stores.
In charge of quick results of planning is software that we developed ourselves in 2006, and to those interested is freely offered on the website of the company. With the help of the software it is possible in short time to plan complete concepts that are directly related to calculation. Customers enjoy the advantages offered by the fact that the company concept-s is able to realize the full concept store within 6-8 weeks from the first contactuntil delivery and installation of the finished store. How many customers findimportant service for customers is shown in assisting in the financing projects of equipping new stores or projects of remodeling stores. So customers have the ability to finance equipment for their shop on leasing.
About three-quarters of all opticians in Germany and Croatia, as well as smaller stores, industrial customers, and those who equip shops are looking for value in high-quality design in the presentation of glasses. “70% percent of all products from concept-s its customers find abroad. In this segment in the world measurements we belongs to the leading ones on the market, “said BA. ing Schroll Lukas, director of concept-s. In the last five years, the company recorded a continuous growth of 25% per cent.

Continuous development and improvement of products, high quality materials such as perfect processing and thoughtful design characterize the philosophy of the company. We try to continually develop new ideas, and with this attitude we often gave impulses throughout the industry.
With optical stores in Germany, Croatia and Slovenia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia, Macedonia, Montenegro and Kosovo, among
referente objects can be included such chains and branches in Denmark and Australia, as well as numerous shops throughout Europe, Asia,
North and South America.
Another company’s designer service is the development of individual displays for each brand. This service and related expertise is happily accepted from the manufacturers around the world.
We would like to take this opportunity to thank all our valuable and loyal employees, and of course special thanks to our current and future loyal customers, with the desire that the years yet to come would be more successful for everyone to mutual satisfaction. We are confident that we will continue to fulfill all your wishes, demands and expectations!
Your concept-s team