A New Hope for Millions of Blind People?

British scientists are one step away from giving back vision to blind people…

A piece of the eye was grown in a lab and was later linked to the photosensitive cells, which are crucial for vision. The piece was then put in the back of the eye of lab mice which were able to swim towards the light in a small pool, showing that the connection between the eye and brain via the optic nerve was successfully established.
Such cells were injected into the back of the eye of lab mice where they normally matured, and the connection between the eye and brain was successfully established.

Mice with newly built-in cells successfully swam out of the pool, swimming towards daylight, while the other ones with no built-in cells just swam round in circles.
Scientists working on these studies predict that these cells should be applicable to human patients in a period of the next five years.
Professor Robin Ali says that implementation of even a small number of cells could help those who have poor vision or are completely blind.

Taken from: www.dnevno.hr