Hair colour and complexion are important factors to consider when deciding on the colour of your frame….
Try to reflect the warmth of your natural colouring with reddish brown, gold, copper or tortoiseshell colours. Greens and browns will match the colour of your eyes.
Avoid cold colours, unless you want to make an impact with strong, bold contrast.
Try lightweight styles with delicate colour effects. Experiment with colours that add warmth to your skin tone.
Avoid dark, heavy styles, cold colours such as blues and greens, and light-coloured metals. If you blush easily, avoid pinks and amber.
Light brown
Try lightweight styles in bronze and other warm-coloured metals.
Avoid dark, heavy styles, cold colours and light-coloured metals.
Dark brown
Try metal frames in antique silver or gold colours, as well as softer browns.
Avoid pastels or very dark colours and heavy styles.
Try any of the metallic frames, especially simple shapes and colours.
Avoid bright colours unless you want to make a strong impact.
Dark grey
Try lighter coloured metal or plastic frames.
Avoid heavy dark frames.
Light grey
Try a rich deep colour and pewter or metal styles.
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