Clarlet Business

Clarlet Business-naslovna.jpgEyeglass lens from Carl Zeiss for work on middle distance and vicinty.


Clarlet Business
The one who wears glasses knows the problem when only objects that are directly in front of his eyes are clear. Everything little further is blurry. Yo experience that while reading nespapers, doing some precise work, on meetings or working in office. Situations in which is wider vision field desirable are different and often in every day life.

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With Clarlet Business you have pleasant overview of the entire surrounding. Distances from 35cm to 1,2m you see clear – without annoying putting on and taking off glasses. It is developed especially for conditions of working place with computer screen. Costant looks between the screen, keyboard and the book are possible and also natural head and body holding for relaxed and comfortable vision. You will like Clarlet Business in the free time also. In the vicinity you will see sharp, but at the same time you will keep the wider surrounding in your vision field: while playing chess, cooking or in the restaurant. This lens is thicker, easier and flater than other lenses for reading, and high-quality antireflective layers prevent from disturbing glance annoyances giving clear vision in every situation.