How far are we willing to go to make ourselves beautiful…?
Injections of fat and collagen into the forehead can irreparably damage your eyesight, American experts warned.
Beauty makes us want to do many things, but how much do we really know about the “dark side” of aesthetic surgery? American experts have recently found that collagen injections in the forehead, which were generally considered to be safe and which many use to hide their wrinkles, can have disastrous consequences for our health. Specifically, a study which was published in JAMA Ophthalmology, analyzes three cases of people who were blinded after the process of getting rid of the wrinkles on their forehead and around the eyes with the injections of fillers.
“This happened when the fillers accidentally leaked into the blood vessels and reached the eye artery. If this happens, the blood supply of the eyes can be blocked. While this complication is very rare, it is very significant. The bruise will disappear, but the vision loss is permanent, „warned Michelle Carle, the head of the study.
Although there were only three recorded case in the study by specialists from the Medical Group Retina Vitreous Associates, they claim that all doctors should warn their patients about the risks of the surgery before starting it.
In addition to blindness, researchers have found that this procedure can cause swelling and bruising, and even cases of stroke.
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