It is the inflammation of episclera and the superficial part of the sclera, of unknown cause. It appears as a flat or slightly elevated area of much dilated blood vessels of the conjunctiva or episclera, usually in the temporal part of the scelra. The pain is not severe in episcleritis, and vessels of the conjunctiva can be moved with a gentle push of the finger through the eyelids. It is the most common disease of the sclera.



Episcleritis nodosa

Symptoms: Red inflammatory nodules near the limbus (eyelid top – juncture of conjunctiva and the skin on the eyelid), which are very sensitive to touch because the conjunctiva above it is movable.

Causes: gout, rheumatism, nodule eritema, tuberculosis, lues.

Treatment: causally according to disease etiology, corticosteroids.


Episcleritis in the form of a sector

Diffuse inflammation of one episcleral area, which can reach up to limbus, it never appears in the form of nodules, it does not hurt, and it does not leave scars.

Causes: gout, rheumatism, allergies.

Treatment: causal (removing the cause of the disease), corticosteroids, antihistaminics.

Episcleral abscess

The occurrence of episcleral nodules in which appears softening of the tissue and creation of abscess, and by discarding necrotic masses superficial ulcers appear.

Causes: metastatic bacterial embolism of ciliary blood vessels (staphylococcus and streptococcus).

Treatment: causal, local with antibiotics, corticosteroids, possible incision of abscess.


Steroids and/or anti-rheumatics are taken locally. The disease is of permanent duration (“self-limited disease”), so it withdraws even without any therapy, leaving no consequences.