How often are patients replacing their contact lenses? New research results are devastating as much as 40 percent do not even pay attention to the duration of the lenses…
Study with almost two thousand adults, contact lens users from Canada showed that 40 percent of users are not replacing their contact lenses in accordance with the guidelines of the manufacturer, informs
Patients wore different types of lenses: 45 percent used the silicone-hydrogel lenses that need to be replaced every two weeks, 39 percent wore lenses that should be changed once a month, while 16 percent used disposable lenses that should be replaced daily. But 40 percent of contact lens users do not respect the manufacturer’s instructions on the time duration.
The most common reasons for changing the lenses too slow included statements that they “forgot where exactly they should get new ones,” while others say “saving money is the biggest reason why they do not adhere to manufacturer’s instructions.
In addition, 9 percent of study participants were instructed by their ophthalmologist to wear lenses for longer than is recommended by the manufacturer.
Not adhering to the manufacturer’s instructions on the time duration of the lenses was more prone to younger participants.
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