Eyelid Piercings – Dangerous or Not?

Eyelid piercings, a not-so-new fad can be extremely dangerous and lead to constant damaging eye irritations and inflammations…

The eyelids serve a purpose similar to the windshield wipers of a car, and are structured to wipe the surface free of foreign bodies, bacteria and viruses and to spread the tear film evenly across the surface to prevent eye inflammations. Any change in the structure of the lids will likely reduce the ability of the lids to perform their cleaning-and-moistening functions, leading to physical irritation and eventual inflammation. Inflammation makes eyes red, and what’s worse is that the inflammation can become chronic and cause permanent stuctural changes on the surface of the eye that result in chronic eye problems the rest of your life. It is common to see this in elderly people whose skin loses elasticity, but people who get eyelid piercings may experience symptoms similar not to mention worse than elderly people with chronic eye redness and dryness.

Their are also severe inflammations of the eyelid that can result from chronic inflammation or infection secondary to the piercing. These inflammations can lead to a dangerous condition known as Cellulitis which can be life threatening if not treated early and successfully.

Here are some pictures of eyelid piercings – note the picture on the left; there is an area of severe redness on the corresponding conjunctiva, or white-part of the eye under where the piercing is placed.


Taken from: www.eyeinfo.worldpress.com