This would be the discovery that could lead to the development of drugs that would replace glasses or contact lenses …
Australian experts from the University in Melbourne identified the gene associated with vision. They analyzed the DNA of 551 people and identified gene variations of hepatoycite growth factor (HGF), which is associated with vision (hyperopia).
People who have problems with this defect clearly see objects if they are away from them, however, they can not distinguish the things that are close to them. For example, they can not read or watch television if they are too close to the TV.
The discovery of this gene has provided experts insight into the biological mechanisms associated with vision.
The exact mechanisms of formation of hyperopia are not determined, however, many advocate the theory of loss of elasticity of crystalline lens or changes in the curvature of the lens, which are explained by the continued growth and loss of power of ciliar muscle (the muscle that bends and focuses the lens).
HGF is currently the only gene associated with vision, which is treated by wearing glasses, corrective lenses or laser surgery.
“We hope that this important genetic discovery will give us help to develop new treatment drugs. I expect it to have a major impact on improving the overall health of the eye, optimistically says Paul Baird from the Center for Eye Research in Melbourne.
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