Around 67 million people worldwide suffer from glaucoma, which is after the cataract the most common cause of blindess…
Around 67 million people worldwide suffer from glaucoma, of which even 45 million go blind in both eyes, according to data from the World Health Organization. More than half of patients are not even aware that they suffer from this eye disease, which is after cataract the most common cause of blindness.
In a lot of cases glaucoma is recognized only in an advanced stage when the vision is already damaged, then the occurred changes are irreversible. Experts advise mandatory annual examination by an ophthalmologist, in order to, in the case of glaucoma, react in time with as little damage to the optic nerve.
Headaches, pressure in the eye, burning – these are all possible symptoms of glaucoma. Also, if you are tired of reading and have to frequently change your glasses for farsightedness, you should consult an ophthalmologist. Glaucoma may also have symptoms similar to digestive problems, like nausea, vomiting and abdominal pain that is often repeated throughout the night. A sure sign that this is glaucoma are dark shadows on the central periphery of the visual field, which eventually become stronger and bigger, and merge into large fields in the form of a crescent. Once the optic nerve is diseased, it can never regenerate, so it is very important to early detect this disease.
Glaucoma cannot be cured but can be controlled. Treatment is eye drops or surgical intervention. The aim of treatment with drops is to normalize elevated intraocular pressure and thus prevent the development of eye damage. Surgical intervention is done to that aqueous humour could drain from the eye. Once introduced therapy for glaucoma is lifelong.
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