Glaucoma Drug ‘Could Do the Job of Mascara’

A drug that is used to treat glaucoma could eliminate the much-used make-up essential mascara which is known to cause eye infections…

Scientists believe that if used regularly Bimatoprost 0.03% is able to lengthen, thicken and darken eyelashes.
Researchers at six hospitals across the UK, including Southampton General Hospital, are a holding year-long trial to investigate how safe and effective the treatment is.
If successful the drug would be applied directly to the edge of the eyelid.
Conducting the trials at Southampton General Hospital, consultant ophthalmologist Parwez Hossain said: “We are carrying out this study to test the effectiveness of the drug (bimatoprost) and look at whether or not it can produce eyelash growth.
“We are also looking into the possibility of extending the trial to study patients who have suffered eyelash loss as a result of chemotherapy cancer treatment.”
Mr Hossain added when speaking to the Daily Express (January 30): “The drug has been used as a treatment for glaucoma for many years. One of the side effects was that patients grew longer and thicker eyelashes.
“The company has now reformulated its product so it can be applied directly to the eyelashes in the same way as mascara.
“It already has a drug licence in the United States. The results I have seen from the States have been impressive.”
Lumigan has been used as an eye drop to decrease the amount of fluid in the eye and reduce eye pressure when treating glaucoma and ocular hypertension.

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