Eye disorders must be treated on time, because there is a better chance to alleviate the problem or even that it completely disappears…
Sometimes, babies, only a few months old, must wear glasses. To begin parents need to choose the proper framework, which should remain on the head of the playful baby. Since the baby’s root of the nose is not defined, the glasses will have a silicone pad, in order to clung better. And, of course, the glasses must be of a material that is not easily broken. The upper edge has to go above the eyebrows,so that the baby would not be able to look over the frames. Glasses must be of elastic material in order to be comfortable and not to fall out of his ears. Understand that this is necessary.
Think for yourself, visual disorders that are not treated will surely be worse. The aspect of your child’s vision is in game. Eyeglasses will make life easier, they will see better and easier and will know the world around them easier. In addition, as soon as the child begins to wear glasses, the sooner he would be able to take them off. And another thing, eventually you’ll get used to the new look of your baby.
Errors to be avoided at all cost are the followng ones:
First of all, wearing glasses should not be perceived as a handicap by saying, “Look,you’re going to fall and hurt yourself because of the glasses.” Frames for children are made so that they can not hurt them. Glasses should not fetter the research spirit of the child. In addition, if your child must always wear glasses, do not chase them off to take them off to photograph him, or when guests come.
Taken from: www.mojezdravlje.net