Contact lenses for cats

Veterinairans made an effort to ease the old days for house pets, do today cat Ernest, who had eye problems for years, sees as good as in young days.

One 15-year old cat was vision repaired with contact lenses. It is believed to be the first case of this kind.

Cat Ernest suffered from entropia, i.e his eyelashes twisted inside scraped his eyeballs.

Veterinariens suggested this inovative solution because cat was too old to take risk with local anaestetic.

The staff of the Society for animal protection RSPCA on Isle of Wightu, where Ernest lives for the last 13 years, claim that this is the fisrt time they’ve heard for contact lenses for cats.

”He is much comfotable now. He used to have his eyes closed all the time, now he finally opened them”, says administrator Les Burrows.

”We’ve always tested dogs on ihim to see if they are afraid of cats, because he never reacted on them. But now when he can see them he is much more frightened”, he adds.

Ernest will continue to live in the shelter of RSPCA beacuse he is the constant and popular decoration on the reception, and the staff will take off his lenses every three weeks and clean them.