The ultimate anti-aging makeup accessory that a woman over 40 cannot be without…
30 million women over age 40 in the United States have trouble applying makeup because of blurry vision caused by the natural aging process.
Presbyopia is the occurrence of weak vision at close range, which occurs between the ages of 40 and 45 when because of senile changes and loss of elasticity of the lens, accommodation strength of eyes weakens. Then the closest point of vision with the maximum of accommodation digresses from eyes for more than 33 cm.
Elderly people suffering from farsightedness have problems with reading the papers, typing SMS messages on their cell-phones and generally working something at close range. Vision “blurs”, letters “dance”, which can partly be compensated by moving away the book or the object that is being watched. Presbyopia is corrected with eyeglasses or lenses for farsightedness.
Women have another problem – applying make up becomes very tricky when you have problems with looking at close range. The closer they get to the mirror, the blurrier their sight becomes and more difficult to apply makeup. Therefore, a woman named Slyvana Miceli decided to invent magnifying makeup eyeglasses. Her glasses are a big hit among women over 40 who are satisfied with their perfect application of makeup in reduced time, which all together makes them feel and look younger.
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