Glucose sensor can detect the amount of glucose in blood according to levels in tear film…
The research department of Microsoft is working with the University of Washington on contact lenses that could monitor blood sugar levels, according to Gizmag. Unlike some previous lenses that measured the amount of sugar by chemical reactions, the Microsoft lens does it electronically.
– We have successfully installed a glucose sensor in a contact lens and showed that it can detect glucose according to the levels in the tear film – Professor Babak Parviz of the University of Washington discovered. Researchers have also made small radio devices that can be connected with the glucose sensor and transmit information wirelessly.
With this technology, Microsoft is planning to enter the market “as soon as everything is ready.”These lenses will definitely come in handy for people who suffer from diabetes type one, who still measure their blood glucose level with a needle. It is a very painful process, especially if we take into consideration that it must be performed several times a day.
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