The opening of press conference for opti 2016…
The conference will be held on Friday, 15th of January 2016 at 10.00 am at the opti forum in hall C2, Fairground Messe München.
The following participants are looking forward to inform you about all the need-to-know and the news around opti 2016 at the press conference:
- Josef May, Chairman of the German ophthalmic industry association SPECTARIS
- Thomas Truckenbrod, President of the Central Association of ophthalmic Opticians and Optometrists (ZVA)
- Dieter Dohr, CEO and President of GHM Gesellschaft für Handwerksmessen mbH

For pre-accreditation please send an e-mail to until January 8th, 2016 and order your opti 2016 press badge. You’ll receive it in time before opti by e-mail.
For all other information on opti visit their offical web page.