Celebrate with us the promotion of our new revolutionar lenses in SILMO on October 31th and September 1st! We chose the greatest world optical exhbition to introduce our new lenses which are our most important product in the serie Hoyalux ID family of advanced progressives – Hoyalux ID Lifestyle. By being among 1000 international companies and more than 45000 optics and glass proffesionals, SILMO has a high place in the world of optical industry. HOYA Europe has exhibition bench on a two-day event and most of the United Kingdom Hoya employees will be there. Over the last fex years we have witnessed the development of the “backside” design in progressive lenses. Today Hoya presents novelty; Hoyalux iD Lifestyle, new FreeForm design. This new progressive lens offers minimal distortion and widest possible middle segment for most natural interaction. At the “backside” design all corrections are close to the eye, which makes the vision field width defined, especially in the middle part. Hoyalux iD Lifestyle uses vertical addition on the front side of the lenses, removed from the eye, which enables optimal conditions for close vision. Result for this progressive lenses wearers is convenient vision on all distances regardless the addition strenght. Hoyalux iD Lifestyle takes a unique position on the market of high-quality progressive lenses. Design is taken from Hoyalux iD progressive lens which provided Hoya a great success on the world market. The difference between these two products is that Lifestyle is partially standardized. Owing to the curvature of the front surface for every addition, presbiops of all ages will sense again natural vision, extreme freedom of movement and experience complete self-confidence.
Hoyalux iD Lifestyle presents iD FreeForm Design Technology based on three basic principles that are most important while manufacturing and wearing progressive lenses; vision, sense and experience. Hoyalux iD Lifestyle is intended for presbips of all agesj. The all become more demanding and with time expect more and more from their glasses. Hoyalux iD Lifestyle is the right choice for them.
By buying the products from the iD family, HOYA gives to the member of your family gratis a complete eyeglasses AXIS with EMI 1.56 lenses worth 600Kn!
For more information contact us:
MobiOptika d.o.o.
HR-10000 ZAGREB, Crešnjevec 4c
Tel.: 01 23 40 790
01 23 02 856
01 23 02 879
Fax: 01 24 40 289
e-mail: info@mobioptika.hr