Polyclinic for ophthalmology, internal and psychiatry “Svjetlost” is opened…
Polyclinic for ophthalmology, internal and psychiatry “Svjetlost”, led by eminent ophthalmologist dr. Nikica Gabrić, will open its door on Thursday in Heinzelova street, number 39. The event will be attended by Croatian president Stjepan Mesić. The new building will be opened on nine floors with the most modern ophthalomogic equipment for diagnostics and surgical treatment of the eye. Investment is worth six million kuna.
According to prof. dr. Iva Dekariš, medical director, in their institution, among other things, will be performed the newest surgeries for diopter removal or corneal irregularities and other. They will use the so called pentacam sophisticated diagnostics, and while removing high diopters, operating procedure with laser treatment will last about five minutes per eye. They will also use the newest methods of installation of multifocal, i.e intraocular lenses that after surgery provide good vision at distance and in vicinity. Such laser procedures are used for diopter adjustment in persons aged to 50 years.
Dr. Dekariš says that they have top three-dimensional OCT technique for precise diagnosis and diseases of retina, that is the back part of the eye. The news are also intraocular injections with Avasin that treat macular degeneration of the eye, that is, loss of vision due to illness of the yellow spot-the vision center. The latter has been put in usage by experts from the Polyclinic at the same time as those in the United States.
Past experiences show that the most patients were treated with the problems of cataract (cataract), removing diopter (refractive surgery), and quite a few of them with macular degeneration, i.e corneal diseases.
Polyclinic is private and has 40 employees, of which 15 doctors, nurses and support staff. They have seven specialists and eight specialisants. In the past year, their ophthalmologist had 3000 operations, of which 700 was free.
Taken from: www.vjesnik.hr Author: Snježana Rajačić