Besides time, spine and their joints, people in front of computers can also expend their eyes. Intensive exposure to light / dark dots from the screen requires a healthy level of vitamin A in the body ….
When we are working on the computer, our eyes constantly react to the bright and dark spots that appear on the screen. If these visual signals are stronger, the eyes spend more rhodopsin, photosensitive pigment which is necessary for vision.
Vitamin A plays an important role in the production of rhodopsin. Liver, codfish oil and leaves of broccoli are rich sources of vitamin A. People that should reduce the intake of fat and cholesterol can eat food which has beta-carotene, the substance that the body with the help of sunlight turns into vitamin A.
Beta-carotene are yellow, orange, red and green vegetables and fruits, such as apricots, peaches, dried plums, melon, watermelon and mango.
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