EPICANTUS – mole of the conjunctiva (CONJUNCTIVA MELANI)
This mole is localized pigmentation, often next to the limbus or on the tear nipple. It does not require treatment. It is important because of the differential diagnosis towards the melanoma of the joint. Melanoma has a faster growth; it is pathologically vascularized and prone to penetration into adjacent tissues.
Mole does not need to be removed, but needs to monitor his growth and signs of possible malignant alteration: a stronger pigmentation, faster growth, blurred edges, vascularization, occurrence of secondary pigmentations in the vicinity of a mole. Treatment of melanoma, as with all other locales, is operational and needs a further oncological treatment.
Serous cysts of conjunctiva
These are delicate translucent cysts arising from the accessory lacrimal
gland fittings.
After the puncture they usually disappear. If they relapse, they should be removed entirely.
Epidermoid cysts of conjunctiva
These are yellowish cysts next to the corneal limbus composed of epidermoid epithelium with hairs and glands.
Surgical treatment.
Cystis granulomatosa / Granuloma conjunctivae
Occurring after an injury, around a foreign body or where hordeolum fistulated to conjunctival side of the lids. They are built of ordinary granulation tissue.
It usually occurs in the area of the limbus as a richly vascularized grey-pink node, smooth or of papilomatose appearance.
Surgical removal.