teenage girl

What Happens If You Don’t Take Care of Your Lenses

teenage girlA high school student from Florida was fortunate enough to save her sight in her left eye after she was attacked by a parasite from her contact lens…

Eighteen year old Ashley Hyde was infected with the amoeba acanthus after she didn’t regularly changed contact lenses for some time. To determine why her sight in her left eye was poor the doctors had to drill through her eye in order to take a sample from the eyeball, writes the NY Daily News.
The results showed a microscopic parasite that settled on her lens and began to corrode her eye. Ashley herself said that she was subjected to many tests and that her eyeball was scraped and drilled.

Experts say this should be a lesson for those who wear contact lenses. “Every day we people come to use because of different complications, infections, and even ulcers they get from wearing lenses. All this can lead to blindness over time, “says the doctor Adam Clarin.

Taken from: www.dnevnik.hr