
What Is Moon Blink?

kokosjesljepiloVision in some people is perfectly fine during the day and clear light. But, as soon as the night appears, their vision starts to disappear…

Moon blink is often associated with cataracts and glaucoma, and it often remains undetected until the disease takes on a more serious state.
The consequence is poorer vision, which makes orienting and moving in space more difficult. These people have the so-called „moonblind”, or night blindness.
An ophthalmologist and professor Đorđe Kontić at the School of Medicine in Belgrade explains what the disease really is:

Although they can see, some people have night blindness, which occurs in the evening hours. There is not much help for this disease because it is an inborn anomaly and the so far treatments have been unsuccessful. Parents should pay particular attention to their children’s behavior, if it becomes atypical when it comes to vision they should seek medical assistance. Given that it is mostly a hereditary disease, those parents who have night blindness, or if their near relatives have it, should have their children examined as soon as possible.

Although the disease is not treatable, visit to an ophthalmologist is crucial because it does not stay at a certain level but progresses and creates other complications that can severely damage vision. When the disease progresses it leads to an increase in the intraocular pressure, optic nerve damage and narrowing of the visual field. And all this needs to be treated, warns Professor Kontić.

Taken from: www.oci.rs