Sunglasses should primarily serve to protect the eyes from the sun’s harmful rays, and only then as a fashion accessory…
Although most of the people use sunglasses as a fashion accessory, they should be a lot more than that because it is important to protect the eyes from the sun’s harmful rays. An expert advised which three basic things people need to take into account when purchasing sunglasses.
When buying sunglasses, we must take into account three things:
- 1. quality of the UV filter
- 2. optical precision of the lens
- 3. color of the lenses
‘Wearing sunglasses without proper UV filter can seriously damage the health of your eyes, and this quality can be detected only by an UV tester. Ask the dealer to put the glasses on the tester to check the UV protection; if the retailer does not have a tester you cannot be sure that the sunglasses have UV protection so do not buy these sunglasses, “explains Marijan Buturajac, expert in eye optics, and adds that sunglasses should be bought only in authorized and professional optics because only there the difference between genuine and fake sunglasses can be recognized.

On the other hand, the optical precision of the lens can be easily checked out with a short test. Put the sunglasses on your head and cover one lens with your hand. Move your head from side to side and then up and down while looking ahead in a straight line, which then should not move but should remain straight.
The color and the tint of lenses is actually an individual choice and the optician recommends selecting those glasses which make you feel most comfortable. But the development of the technology also affected the development of lenses, and today polarized and photochromic sunglasses are a definitive number one for quality and protection.
‘Polarized sunglasses are the best choice because polar filter removes reflected light rays and eliminate reflections from surfaces such as water, glass or plastic which is ideal for driving. Photochromic sunglasses change the tint depending on the amount of sunlight, “explains Buturajac.
So before you spend money on a favorite fashion accessory, do whatever it takes to provide the best for your eyes.
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