Great news from the medicine on the treatment of previously incurable diseases with stem cell. Within six years the blindness will be curable …
The revolutionary treatment has so far been tested in the UK on mice and pigs. Embryonic stem cell are popularly called by scientists as ‘magic seeds’. This is because all of the 220 types of tissue develope from them. In Croatia, one in ten persons over 70 years is suffering from yellow spots, which causes blindness.
70-year Davorin Gložinića has been diagnosed with wet age-related macular degeneration at beginning of the year, also called eye disease of yellow spots that causes vision impairment. The disease, as said, developed very quickly. ‘For example, a rectangular shape was deformed, the image was reduced and image darkened and then it worried me, “recalls Davorin.
‘The patient then usually sees the picture in a way that he does not see the middle picture, as if watching a live person eyes to eyes, he sees the silhouette of the head, but can not see the eyes, nose, mouth, “explains ophthalmologist Dr. Dražen Grgić.
British scientists believe that a cure lies in embryonic stem cells. According to them, it would in the next six or seven years be in general clinical use. The operation would last from 45 minutes to one hour. That the embryonic stem cells are miracle, our experts also agree. ‘Embryonic cells are really the source of at least theoretically speaking, many, not to say all the problems in the degenerative process, i.e the processes that damage certain tissues because they represent an amazing ability to replace a particular tissue. This is perhaps the same revolutionthat occurred in transplantation, “adds Grgić..
Scientists believe that these cells could be used as a source of tissues and organs in transplants, but also as a potential therapy in the treatment of diabetes, heart disease, Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
Taken from: Author: Iva Šimunić