An Accident Helped Him Restore His Sight!

Canadian Pierre-Paul Thomas saw the world for the first time at the age of 68…

68 years ago the Canadian Pierre-Paul Thomas was born almost completely blind, and his blindness were caused by three different disorders. He had nystagmus, a disorder which causes uncontrollable movements of the eye from one side to the other, along with damage to the optic nerve and cataracts which began to develop on his eyes, according to Montreal Gazette.

At that time the medicine could not help him and he spent his entire life seeing only shadows and greyness. But two years ago, when he was 66, he fell down the stairs in his apartment and broke the bones of the face, including the ones around the eyes. He was successfully operated by a team of doctors, and a few months after the operation he went for a control examination at the plastic surgeon Lucie Lessard. There, he heard a question that was quite a surprise, “Since we’re alreadly fixing things up, do you want us to fix your eyesight too?”.

Pierre-Paul, of course, agreed, and in February of this year underwent two operations when the doctors removed his cataracts and now he can finally see everything that surrounds him. For the first time he can really see the colors and although “there is still a problem with them,” and he need to learn everything from scratch, he says: “This is incredible, it’s like I am a child again. Before everything was gray, now everyone is beautiful.”

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