coffee glaucoma

Coffee Causes Glaucoma?

coffee glaucomaResearchers at Harvard University claim that people who drank more than three cups of coffee a day have an increased risk of developing glaucoma, which can cause impaired vision and blindness…

“Coffee with caffeine has many health benefits, but drinking more than three cups a day can increase the risk of glaucoma, especially among people who have a genetic predisposition to glaucoma,” said lead researcher Professor Jae Hee Kang.

The study involved nearly 79,000 women and 41,000 men. None of the participants did not suffer from glaucoma. All participants filled out a survey that contained questions about their habits, including how much coffee they drink daily.

In professor Kang’s previous research, he and his expert team studied the Scandinavians who are a leading nation in the number of people suffering from glaucoma, as well as the amount of coffee they drink. That study found that excessive coffee consumption increases the risk of developing glaucoma by 66%.

When participants in this study were compared with Scandinavians, prof. Kang and his team found that those among the Americans, who drink excessive amounts of coffee, also have a higher risk of developing glaucoma.

However, the researchers, whose study was published in the journal Investigative Ophthalmology & Visual Science, stated that other products, which are composed of caffeine, do not increase the risk of glaucoma, so further research is needed.

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