Early Reading Can Damage Your Child’s Vision

It is not advisable to teach your child to read before the fifth year because that is one of the golden rules of protection of child’s good vision, say experts. Also try not to enter him to the school before the seventh year …

Ciliary muscle, which provides good vision, gets its final form around seventh or eighth year of the child’s life.
For children who went to school with six years there are three times more shortsighted than among scholars who started first grade with seven years, according to some research.
If the child spends a lot of time at the computer, the desk and the room must be  well lighted so he would not further strain his eyes. Make sure that light does not strike directly at the screen because the flare irritates the eyes and damages eyesight.
Often, eye movement and change of focus is one of the best ways of “training” vision. With sports you stronger your child that he would be less ill and had better vision. The best sports for the improvement of vision are those that involve a ball or balls, such as table tennis. Just as good are sports like tennis or volleyball.
Give him food useful for the eyes such as cheese, yogurt, kefir, fish, beef, turkey, carrots and cabbage. Offer your child blueberries, berries and green vegetables.

Taken from: www.dnevnik.hr