Today scientists can produce little phones and notebooks, but we need a rather large screen in order to use it. What would happen if the screen would be placed on the lens?
Devices would decrease for number of times, they would be easier to tranfer and cheaper to manufacture. Dr. Babak Parviz was the first one to think of putting the screen on the lens. Parviz is in manufacturing of small devices that he, with the help of nanotechology and techinces of microproduction, imbedes into polimers or glass. Lenses are bulit out of flexibile transparent polimer, which is the ideal background for a little electronic device. Prototype includes a little set where miniature LEDs will be connected, each of them third of a millimeter in diameter. At the moment the biggest problem is LED charging. Parviz is considering two methodes. As the lens has to have the anthena because it has to be able to recieve data, it could be charged throught that way. The other methode includes solar cells. Another problem is picture projection. The lens lies on the surface of the eye, which is too close to focus the eye on the picture. For creating focused picture it will be necessary to manipulate the beams of the light. Using the laser instead of the LEDs that could be accomplished, but the lasers are dangerous for the eyes. The soultion could be micro LEDs. Not eyerybody think that this lens is a good idea. Proffesor James Wolffsohn thinks that there is not enough place on the lens for the set. Also, he doesn’t see how will Parviz clear out the problem of focusing picture. According to him this soultion wouldn’t help the ones will weak sight because they anyway need big letters will a lot of contrast, and most of them wear eyeglasses instead of lenses. As an alternative Wolffsohn suggest putting electronic devices on eyeglasses.
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