Everyone Will Need Glasses In the Future, Experts Say

Clear vision is a result of the change in the shape of the eye lens and the focus of the light on the retina…

There are no eye exercises or special diet and clean house that can prevent the age-related vision deterioration.

This is a natural process, called presbyopia or age-related farsightedness.

Usually it starts with the need to move away the newspapers or books while reading to see the words. And so it continues until “your hands become too short”.

Most people will need reading glasses after the age of 45, German experts say.

Clear vision is a result of the change in the shape of the eye lens and the focus of the light on the retina. The change of the shape of the ocular lens, or its clamping and stretching and focusing on objects at different distances, happens with the help of the muscle that weakens with age and makes the lens less flexible. That’s why, sooner or later, everyone will need glasses.

Experts remind that prescription glasses should be bought after the eye examination, with the recommendation of an optometrist or optics expert.
