
GlassUp – Cheaper Competitor to Google’s Glasses

glass-glass-upInstead of expensive Google Glass, people who want to read messages or navigation instructions inside their glasses can get GlassUp glasses, for a much lower price…

Google’s glasses are currently available for a small number of users – mostly developers and journalists who are more or less satisfied with the options provided by this device . Inside of Google’s glasses the users can read messages, see navigation instructions, take pictures and record videos that can be immediately sent to friends or published on the network, and the biggest drawbacks of these glasses are their price of $ 1.500 ( as they should cost when they become widely available next year ) and the threat to privacy, because you can never be sure when somebody would take pictures or videos of you with glasses.
The solution to these two problems were presented by the GlassUp company which started with the IndieGoGo campaign to raise funds for new glasses, which should be in sale next year. These glasses should be a lot cheaper (price to book the first test model is $ 299 ), but they do not include a camera – which will be an advantage to some , because of potential problems with the privacy and will be able to connect to mobile devices which run on Android’s and Apple’s iOS .

CEO of the company Francesco Giartosio says that they have started the development of the GlassUp before Google presented their smart glasses and the original idea was to make glasses that are not too different from the classic glasses and will display messages to users so they do not have to constantly search the pockets to find their mobile phone.
In addition to messages, these glasses bring information like navigation and translations , and all this information is displayed in the middle of glasses (information in Google’s glasses are shown in the upper right).
Giartosio says that future versions of these glasses will have advanced features such as voice control, camera and various applications, and that their development will depend on the needs of the users.

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