Google Glass Prescription Glasses

Google team presented improved Google Glass that can be attached to prescription glasses….

The team behind Google Glass Project does not leave anything to chance. If you thought that Google’s smart glasses are a great thing, but are clumsy and cumbersome for people who wear prescription glasses, you were wrong.
At their I/O 2013 conference, Google presented a version of their glasses that can be easily connected to prescription glasses. The only information given at the conference it that people with poor vision will be able to enjoy in their project just like everybody else.
Although it is not stated, somehow we have a feeling that it could happen that Google will get into business with eyewear manufacturers to allow customized prescription glasses to be purchased in packages with Google Glass. This would fully complete the offer because many would certainly prefer to use such a product than Google Glass with “a flap” for attaching to ordinary glasses.
It is also not clear whether this system of atachment to the prescription glasses will be sold in standard package or it will be a special offer (product).

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