baby eyes

How Babies See the World?

baby eyesComing of a child into the world is not just a shock and a big change for parents, but also for the baby…

The world outside the womb is probably very strange and somewhat frightening for the babies. Parents, after the child is born, are mainly focused on ensuring the child has everything he or she needs and on establishing proper rhythm of sleeping and eating. However, they forget the change the child experiences: everything was perfect in the womb – it was warm and they were never hungry, and now outside there is so many different odors, temperatures, conditions, senses and needs. Nothing is permanent anymore, and it is a shock to their system.

The first month

The first 12 weeks of a baby’s life are often called “the fourth quarter”because the child is still in many ways like a child in the womb. Therefore, the mother needs to keep her child close to her, smile and communicate with the baby. During the first two weeks of life babies only see what is right in front of them, a few inches away. They recognize light, shapes and movements, but the image is quite blurry.
Babies see about 10 inches in front of them so it is very important for them to know your face by being close to them. During the first month it often happens that each eye looks in their own direction, which is quite normal. In the next few weeks, eyes will „make a compromise” and direct the view in one direction.

From the second to third month

During the second and third months of life the child’s vision is improving. This is the perfect time to introduce toys in various bright colors. Babies can distinguish colors from birth, but only the contrast ones. Over time, this skill improves and they are able to recognize colors in similar shades (purple and blue, yellow and orange).

From the fourth to the sixth month

From the fourth to the sixth month the children begin to perceive their body much better, their coordination also progresses and they begin to reach items that they see. They watch their hands and realize that they can control the movements. Soon they develop a more refined coordination and sharper vision so the baby starts to notice and reach out for small objects. They begin to understand that objects exist even if they do not see them, so now they can enjoy the game “Where’s the baby? ” (Cover their eyes with gauze or a small towel, when babies remove it ,they will be happy to see you again).

From the seventh month

In the seventh month the child already clearly sees everything that is happening in the environment, but not at a great distance because it is simply not necessary. By the end of the first year, they will be able to recognize objects and people from a distance of several tens of meters.

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