HZZO Almost Terminated the Participation for Glaucoma

Did you know that there is a disease from which you can go blind, while not experiencing any symptoms that would alert you to it? Four percent of the population daily struggles with this fact …

This insidious disease is called glaucoma or high intraocular pressure. It most commonly affects people over 40 years. Despite the high rate of exposure to glaucoma, HZZO decided to almost abolish the participation for the medication. Branka Kuhada has been suffering from glaucoma, high intraocular pressure, for nine years. She revealed it coincidentally, because this insidious disease has no symptoms. “When I first got glasses, my doctor has measured the intraocular pressure and then actually found that I suffer from glaucoma, for which we know that it does not hurt, it cannot be seen and can be covered up for years very easily and we do not even know it , “says Branka. Dr. Katia Novak – Lauš has been healing people with glaucoma for years. Just because there are no symptoms.

’50 percent of patients suffering from glaucoma are not even diagnosed with the disease, both in Croatia and in the developed countries in the world, “says Dr. Novak – Lauš. Glaucoma can not be cured. With drugs, such as eye drops, this disease is controlled in order to avoid further spread. Branka found out the disease quite late, and was recently operated on the left eye. Now, twice a day she is using eye drops. ‘I think that without them the outcome would be fatal, “said Branka. ‘If they do not spend their therapy regularly and don’t come to controls, patients may go blind, “says Dr. Novak – Lauš. Most patients combines few types of eye drops, which is a big expence. ‘I spend about 50 kuna a month, which is a lot! Luckily I work, and as it is said you always have to have for health, “says Branka.
However, senior citizens, who make up the largest number of patients, have no money for eye drops. According to health reform, HZZO should, instead of the previous 57 kuna, subsidize only 15 kuna. The rest comes from the patient’s pocket. Why is that, the Ministry of Health and HZZO refused to comment.  This situation does not go in favor of producers. ‘Sure we’ll take some measures. HZZO predicted and expects comments from our side, the pharmaceutical industry, and also I think it is very important to hear the opinion of the profession, “said Zvonimir Čačić, a manufacturer of drugs. Proffesion just wants the best for patients, over whose back this problem could also tumble.

Taken from: www.dnevnik.hr, Author: Ana Pejičić