Lens cleaning

Did you know that regular cleaning and washing contact lenses can remove to 90% of the bacterials on them. 

The best time for cleaning and desinfection of soft contact lenses is right after taking them off. Traditionally it is done in a way that you put your lens on the dry palm of one hand and drop a few drops of your solution for keeping contact lenses. Use a little finger to rub it softly on the front and the back side of each lens. Carefully wash out with the solution for attendance and put the lenses into their boxes. Fill each chamber with the solution, close the top covers and leave the lens dipped until the moment you have to exchange the solution for keeping according to the instructions on the solution for attendance. Hygine of the chambers for keeping lenses is a thing that is often being neglected while taking care of the lenses. While putting the lenses into the boxes, the boxes have to be empty and without solution, washed with fresh desinfective solution and dryed on the air- this sholud be done every day. Dry box is also important because microbes cannot multiplicate in dry conditions. Boxes should often be replaced, once a month would be ideal. Ophthalmologist will give you further instructions about the importance of hoding up to the regular cleaning treatment. In case you adhere to the doctors instructions, the result will be comfort and clear contact lenses permenantly.