Myopia is hereditary, and it is also encouraged by ‘staring’ at a mobile phone

Myopia can be hereditary, and higher myopia is most often hereditary. Specifically, a child can inherit the diopter of a parent who has a higher minus diopter, from minus four and up.

Therefore, parents who have higher diopters need to look more closely at the symptoms of myopia in their children. Myopia is a refractive error of the eye in which light rays are refracted in front of the retina instead of on it and occur due to too long, ie elongated eyeball or curved cornea, writes

Stress is a sign

The cornea of ​​the light beam refracts too strongly and thus causes air to fall into the focus in front of the retina instead of into the focus on the retina. Myopia in most cases occurs in childhood or puberty. In young children, myopia is easiest to notice when they show extreme strain (squeezing of the eyes) when watching a whiteboard in the classroom or when sitting too close to the TV screen. Today, more and more young people need myopia correction. This frequent occurrence is caused by the occurrence of eye accommodation.

‘Good’ UV rays

As our eye is created to look far, it also has the ability to look close, but today’s world is set up so that most of what we do, we do close (TV, computer, cell phones, reading), and then the eye is accommodated more than should. And if we know that children’s eyes are more elastic and adaptable, the consequence is the adjustment of near vision at the expense of losing sharpness when looking far away. That is why experts recommend that children should spend time, among other things, staying in nature and outdoors for at least two to three hours a day.

There are two very important reasons. The first reason is that you are unlikely to see a child outside walking with a cell phone or laptop in hand, at least no longer than ten minutes. This means that they will spend their stay outdoors looking into the distance. This avoids excessive close-up viewing. Another important reason is UV radiation. In addition to harmful UV rays, there are also good ones that we get by staying in nature. They work by making the eye sclerotic (firmer) and thus the eyes are less prone to diopters. However, since children’s eye lenses absorb up to 70 percent more UV radiation than adult lenses, quality sunglasses are necessary.

Recognize the signs of poor vision at a distance

Around the world, about 25 percent of the population is short-sighted. People who are short-sighted do not see objects sharply in the distance, so these objects are blurry and obscure. The first signs of myopia can be: not recognizing the faces of people across the street, blurred translation on TV, blurred traffic signs when driving at night, waiting for the tram to come very close to notice its number uo

Vision test

You can also check your child’s vision at home. Place the child some distance in front of the object in the distance. Close one eye and ask him if he sees objects. Do the same with the other eye. A sign that he cannot see well can also be discomfort while looking into one eye.

Carrots protect the eye

Carrots will not help a short-sighted person to lose their diopters, but they contain beta carotene, which is converted into vitamin A, the most important for eye health. It also contains lutein, a pigment that protects against diseases of the back of the eye. But when you damage your eyesight, carrots won’t fix it.

The best tips for keeping your eyes healthy

Staying outside – Children’s eyes will develop properly if they spend enough time outside, looking into the distance. Another reason is good UV rays that work by making the eye firmer so there is less chance of developing diopters.

Regular check-ups – Vision examinations in children should be performed every six months, and more often if necessary, with the confirmation of an ophthalmologist. The lenses on the glasses should also be changed as needed, but this will also be approved by your doctor.

Vision Correction – Vision must be corrected in time to develop normally, and it can only develop at the earliest age, up to the age of ten. There is also the possibility that the diopter occurs only in one eye.

Wearing glasses – Depending on your diopter, your ophthalmologist will advise you whether or not to wear glasses. There will be no need for glasses if the diopter is very low, but as a rule, glasses should be worn in order for vision to develop normally.

Cause of glaucoma – If myopia is not treated, it can one day cause pathological problems, such as changes in the back of the eye – retinal detachment or primary open-angle glaucoma.

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