In about 60% of patients with brain tumors there are also ocular symptoms present, and they are as follows: optic disc edema, sixth nerve palsy, wide rigid pupils and headaches. Knowledge of ocular symptoms is important for the localization of the tumor.

Tumors of the frontal lobe cause a change in the character of a person, and Foster-Kennedy syndrome: unilateral atrophy of the optic nerve with the contra lateral optic disc edema. Some frontal tumors for a long time do not give any symptoms.

Tumors of the temporal lobe cause taste, scenting and formed visual hallucinations, and homonymous upper quadrant anopsy caused by damage to optical radiation.

Tumors of the parietal lobe cause homonymous characteristic failure of the lower quadrants of the visual field, together with reduced opt kinetic nystagmus on the side opposite of the tumor.

Problems with reading, writing and numeracy (alexia, agraphia, acalculia) together with a right homonymous hemianopia together make Gerstman’s syndrome, which indicates involvement of the dominant parietal lobe in the right-handed people.

Tumors of the occipital lobe can cause unformed visual hallucinations, and homonymous hemianopsia.

Brainstem tumors can cause Parinaud’s syndrome – bilateral paralysis of upward gaze and pupillary reaction to accommodation, but not to light; this is a typical finding in pituitary tumors near the upper colicula.