- It is not a problem if you blink, sneeze or cough during the procedure. Educated physician and technology will ensure that these minimal movements do not affect the result.
- One laser pulse removes a quarter of one hundredth of the width of a human hair.
- The laser cannot blind you. It can correct vision problems with eyes that are affected by the aging process, farsightedness and astigmatism.
- Most patients can see pretty good already in the evening after surgery and on the next day they can return to work.
- The main side effect is dry eyes. Sometimes it takes up to several weeks in order to remedy this situation.
- There is a chance of 0.1 percent or less of visual complications.
- Laser is not hot but cold.
- Fragrance that patients sense during the procedure is not “burning eyes”, but the carbon atoms that are created by laser.
- The procedure does not hurt, and the changes that are thereby achieved are permanent.
Accuracy, security of instruments and steady hand of experts guarantee complete safety during shaping the cornea with a laser, i.e. vision correction, even if you sneeze or blink…
Prof. Dan Reinstein of the London Vision Clinic revealed a few facts about Lasik surgery:
Taken from: www.net.hr