U.S. scientists have announced that they have managed to heal the disorder of color blindness…
Experts from the University of Washington were able to provide adult monkeys to distinguish colors by introducing therapeutic genes. Scientists have not believed in the possibility of manipulation of the adult brain so far. Specifically, it was thought that the restoration of vision is possible only in the earliest period of life.
A team of researchers, led by Professor Jay Neitza, has achieved success by putting therapeutic genes into cells for sense of light in the eye of adult male monkeys. Tests have shown that gene therapy has achieved lasting success. Experts believe that the same method would be effective in humans.
What is color blindness?
Color blindness is a common term for the disorder of recognizing colors. Healthy individuals differ about 2000 colors, and those that suffer from color blindness much less. The disorder is 16 times more prevalent in men than in women, which scientists explain with the sexual mode of inheritance. In Croatia there are about 180 000 color blind people.
Taken from: www.ordinacija.hr