Imagine a day in the morning when you wake up and don’t have to look at the world through the dim veil, but with clear, sharp sight…
Life with glasses and lenses is an everyday life for every third person in the world. With the high cost, these optical aids greatly restrict their users. However, the medicine in the 21st century has brought a revolution in the discovery of modern technology and surgical procedures, that provide the possibility of good vision without aids for almost every person. Diopter removal capabilities are numerous, and among the most common and most successful are included laser removal and installation of diopter lens.
Factor of safety greater than 99 percent
Laser surgery are performed in the world greatly for more than 20 years, so far nearly 40 million people were operated. Long experience has brought many changes and great progress in the removal of diopter. Today’s operations are fully computer controlled and are performed without a knife edge, with the help of femtosecond laser. Laser platforms have integrated in themselves an incredibly accurate software systems that allow removing one diopter in just two seconds and have an integrated system of monitoring (tracking), which monitors eye movements of the patient, thus excluding any possibility of error caused by his restlessness. Project reached a factor of safety greater than 99 percent, which made such operations authorized to be conducted on astronauts and pilots.
Laser removal of diopter is the most appropriate for people between 18 and 45 years, with diopter from -10.0 to +5.0, and ± 5.0 to cylinder astigmatism, which means that in practice about 95 percent of people with diopter are good candidates for surgery.
Removing diopter is not practiced on younger than 18 years, until they complete their growth and development of the organism, and thus the eye. In addition, it is not advisable to removdiop the diopter on pregnant and nursing women because hormonal changes during this period also affect the cornea.
The upper limit of removing the diopter is a little more flexible. However, for everyone after their fortieth year, there is another option for removing diopter – installation of artificial lenses that provide good vision at distance and closeness, because laser can not treat presbyopia that occurs after the fortieth year.

Painless, short and safe
The procedure is completely painless, it is performed by using anesthetic eye drops and takes about 10 minutes. Half an hour after the procedure patients can go home, and the first improvement in vision appears in the first few hours after surgery. The entire rehabilitation lasts two to three days, when 99 percent of people can return to normal life activities.
Long experience has confirmed the safety and durability of laser surgery. Most of the patients operated on worse than today’s lasers are still enjoying the benefits of a sharp vision and freedom. The most common problem that have older patients encountered is the return of the diopter. Given the exceptional development of today’s technology, for many of them a new surgery re-enabled them to see.
There are still considerable controversies about laser removal of diopter among the general population and the medical profession, because the procedures are usually performed on healthy young people. Proven security, happiness and gratitude patients have expressed saying that their operation was one of the best moves in life because their quality of life improved significantly, are the best evidence that we need to continue. Imagine life without everyday placing and removing lens, without bulging and redness of the eyes, without infections which are 10,000 times more common in contact lens holders, but after laser surgery, day when you wake up in the morning and the world is not in the murky veil, but clear, sharp sight!
Taken from:, Author: Maja Bohač