pametnitelefon za slijepe - naslovna

Smart Phone for the Blind and Visually Impaired

pametnitelefon za slijepe - naslovnaIndia introduced the first smart phone for the visually impaired…

Message on the screen of this mobile phone will immediately turn into ‘a tangible content’ written in Braille. When it comes to the market, it is going to cost around $ 185.
Thanks to the innovators of the Center for Innovation, Incubation and Entrepreneurship in the Indian city of Ahmedabad, the blind and visually impaired will soon be able to read e-mails and text messages on their smart phones.

pametnitelefon za slijepe
This is the first “Smartphone” in the world which converts received text or application on the screen immediately into Braille.
– The display, on which we worked on for three years, is adapted for the blind and visually impaired people – said the Indian inventor Sumit Dagar and added that this new smart phone, which still doesn’t have a name, should have all the elements of the current smart phones.
– It will have connection to the internet, a headset and powerful speakers will be standard equipment on the phone – said Dagar, who hopes that their pioneering device, whose prototype is being tested at the Institute of Eyes in the city of Hyderabad, will be launch by the end of the year.

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