Tanning Can Damage Vision

Wearing safety goggles is a must!

Tanning can harm your health, and there is no doubt. However, if you can not enforce yourself to avoid unhealthy “sunlamp”, then at least make every effort to reduce possible damage to a minimum.
This means that the use of safety goggles when visiting solarium is required! Otherwise you could, experts warn, encounter serious problems with vision!

Although some ladies justify by saying that they don’t want to end up with white circles around the eyes, i.e. to look like pandas, ophthalmologists unanimously agree: safety must come first!

And if you believe that you will protect your eyes with “ordinary” closing your eyelids (squinting, know that you live in a serious misbelief! UV damage caused by tanning lamps can cause long term damage, growths in the eyes and skin cancer.

“The skin of the eyelids is very thin and sensitive. Therefore, this area must be protected from UV rays. If you must use solarium, always use protective glasses. If you do not listen to this advice, you may face with benign growths called pterygium,” said British ophthalmologist Dr Susan Blakeney.
Solarium uses ultraviolet light that produces UVA and UVB rays. They might be stronger than sunlight because they are directed straight to the face.
Therefore, experts in end note: we only have one pair of eyes. If you want to protect your own, always apply appropriate protection – whether the “burn” under the ordinary or artificial sunlight.

Taken from: www.ordinacija.hr