The Blind Mother Sees Her Child for the First Time

Special glasses from eSight enabled Kathy Beitz to see her baby despite her blindness…

29-year Beitz was diagnosed with Stargardt disease, a genetic disease that causes degeneration of the central part of the retina, or macula, when he was 11 years old. And although she still partially has her peripheral vision, she lost her vision in the center of the visual field and now she is almost blind, reports CBC.

But eSight glasses brought a major change in her life, which enabled her to first see her son Axel who is now several weeks old. “As soon as I got the glasses, I could not wait to put them. I saw that he has feet and toes as my husband and my lips, “said Kathy, adding:” My husband and I, we witnessed the viewing experience of our new child, connecting with him and falling in love with him. “

eSight is equipped with a camera that is located on the root of the nose of the person wearing them. The scenes that it captures are sharp and are projected on screens in front of the eyes. “Their eyes actually see more when looking at the screen, they looking through eyes only,” said the company’s spokesperson.

While the device cannot help people who are completely blind, it can be customized to support a series of eye damages. The user can adjust the contrast, brightness, shadows.

“When I found out that I will get the glasses, I was very excited. I knew that I will be able to read books to my baby and be a part of the whole experience of education … it gave tremendous independence to my parents’ abilities, “added Beitz.

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