This Video Will Completely Mesmerize You

Try it out and we guarantee some amazing hallucinations…

The human brain is predictable and in fact it is easy to fool – if you know the triggers, according to Professor Paul Flestcher with the British University of Cambridge. While the suggestive hypnosis with words doesn’t work on even a quarter of the population, the optical illusions with a hallucinating effect are efficient on a large number of people.
Check if you can get mesmerized with this video, unless you are prone to epileptic seizures. The task is to expand the video to full screen, and concentrate on the central circle in which the letters will be exchanged. Say the letters aloud, and after the video is over, quickly look away from the screen:


It is easiest to hypnotize people who have high levels of concentration, while those with strict habits, routines and “limited” attitudes are mostly resistant to hypnosis, according to scientists at Stanford University. They found that about 25 percent of people cannot be hypnotized, and those that are easier to hypnotize usually make quick decisions in their private life, have a wide field of interests and a great power of concentration.
People who resist hypnosis have less connectivity between brain regions responsible for focusing attention and priority setting, and this difference was also confirmed by magnetic brain scans during hypnosis, which revealed that most activity takes place in the part that is responsible for decision-making processes.

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