lasik facts

What If You Sneeze During LASIK ?

lasik factsExperts bring the true facts about laser vision correction…

“LASIK is the abbreviation for laser-assisted in situ keratomileusis.Keratomileusis a word with Greek roots which means shaping the cornea. Specifically, the formation of the cornea using a cool excimer laser corrects the diopter. Unlike PRK procedures in which the area of the cornea treated is the surface of the cornea, in LASIK a treatment is carried out under the thin lamellae of the cornea, which is returned to its place after tha surgery just like a lid or a cover. This lid serves as a kind of natural fold that speeds the healing process and helps prevent discomfort in the first few days after surgery.

‘This process was first described 20 years ago by Dr. Ioannis Pallikaris, with colleagues from the University of Crete . The principle of LASIK has not changed since, but the accuracy and security of instruments have significantly progressed,’ says a renowned ophthalmologist Adrian Lukenda in his column ” Laser vision correction – Lasik . “
Professor Dan Reinstein of the London Vision Clinic discovered a few important notes about laser vision correction for the Daily Mail.


  • It does not matter if you blink, sneeze or cough during the procedure. Educated physician and technology will ensure that these minimal movements do not affect the result.
  • One pulse of the laser removes a quarter of a hundred of the width of a human hair .
  • The laser can not blind you. It can correct vision problems with eyes that are affected by the aging process , farsightedness and astigmatism .
  • Most of the patients can see quite well the same night after the surgery and the next day they can return to work .
  • The main side effects of the procedure are dry eyes . Sometimes it takes up to a few weeks in order to improve this situation .
  • There is a chance of 0.1 percent for less visual complications .
  • The laser is not hot, but cold .
  • The smell which patients sense during the procedure is not “burning of the eyes”, but those re the carbon atoms created by the laser.
  • The procedure does not hurt , and changes that are attained are permanent.

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