Why Are Contact Lenses Better Than Eyeglasses

Do you wear glasses? If so, you may not realize what contact lenses, and especially GP contacts, can offer you.    



 Here’s a comparison chart to help you decide which vision option is best for you. (Many people choose both!)



The distance between your eye and the lens sometimes creates distortion. Worn right on the eye, for more natural vision.

Poor peripheral (side) vision.

Your entire field of view is in focus. This is especially important in sports and in driving, where you need to see as much around you as possible.
Constant awareness of frame and lens edge, as well as reflections off the backside of the lens. With contacts, no annoying obstructions or reflections are in view.

Uncomfortable weight on your face and ears. Periodic need for tightening or other adjustment.

No weight and resulting discomfort. No frame constantly slipping down your nose.
Glasses fog up with changes in temperature. Contacts don’t fog up.
Glasses are a distraction during games and sports. No distractions, which make contact lenses a favorite among athletes.
Fashionable and inexpensive non-prescription sunglasses are not an option if you wear eyeglasses. A whole wardrobe of fashionable, functional, affordable sunglasses is available to contact lens wearers.
Glasses need to complement your outfit. For instance, casual frames may not suit evening attire. Or colors may clash.

Contacts match everything you wear.
Eyeglasses are annoying to wear in rain or snow. Contact lenses won’t collect precipitation and blur your vision.
Glasses are an unnatural, distracting barrier between your eyes and the world.
Contacts don’t detract from your natural appearance; they let people see your eyes.   

There are many differences between glasses and contact lenses, but there are some similarities, too:

Both require careful handling and cleaning.

Glasses must be sprayed and wiped several times a day, while contacts need varying degrees of care, depending on the type. GP contact lenses are particularly fast and easy to clean.

Both can correct astigmatism.

An irregular cornea shape that distorts vision, astigmatism is something that many people think only glasses can correct. But GP contacts do an outstanding job of correcting astigmatism.

Both are affordable.

When you consider that you wear glasses or contact lenses every single day of your life, the amount you spend on them is far less than for any other item in your wardrobe. Considering how important they are to the quality of your life, they’re invaluable.

Since glasses have few, if any, advantages over contact lenses, you may decide to throw yours away! But if you’re still undecided about which vision option is best for you, talk it over with your eyecare practitioner.

Taken from: http://www.contactlenses.org